Space Beard : Post206 : LaunchBeard... inDevelopment


falling off the shelf
beard gets dusty
tends to go streaking in front of people
tough to love, because it likes to break up
likes to vent when it gets hot-headed

Natural Enemies:

mining operations
open flames

(I cant think of more at the moment)

Open flame would probably be under enemies as well


I hope you’re saving an epic beard shot to be posted on the final day of the KS! I expect style and much awesomeness in the form of beard art.

Or maybe just brush it a bit. I dunno.

lol. I’ve been meaning to get a new pic up…


HUCK in space

Before HUCK came crashing down on my porch … to hang out … I spotted him with my super high strength telescope, travelling the sea of stars.

Here a compilation shot of a HUCKation with the low resolution camera, look at those structures, a truly new discovery, who would have thought an asteroid out in space would have crazy shapes as this?

Selected set of observatory imaging:


Good GOD it is him !

That is awesome.

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Instant HUCK award:


Where’d the name Huck come from, anyway?

It was brainstormed somewhere. Could be the Lounge. Not sure.

No name for the satellite asteroid, though? It’s so cute!

HUCK Jr. …

It’s retroactively not cute.

Haha :smile:

It’s up there … the small one cutes me out every time is see him. :blush:


Hitch actually works really well for the small one, seeing as it’s a satellite. It had literally hitched aa ride…


So the rock being mined in game is Hitch? Hutchings has the most things named after him. :smile:

If I’m wrong please correct me.

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Quickly, someone put the Huck seal of approval on this thing. I don’t have photoshop and I refuse to pirate something I’ll never use again!

Since that last post cannot be edited! I make a new one!

@Lomsor it’s nice to see others participating in the quest for spacebeard! Huck included :smile:

Space beard update! “The Thickening”

But seriously… what am I… a plushie?! Something to be cuddled?! NO! (well there are exceptions…) I’ve always preferred short hair, but the beard had me worried… I’m pleased with the results, this should intimidate my future opponents most effectively, but some of your image predictions are now incorrect :wink:

I’m not sure if I want to shave it off anymore… there are days I want to… but I become more conflicted as time passes.


A properly groomed asteroid will shine brighter then the sun.