Profile pictures

Continuing the discussion from Space Beard - Until the KS is Ends:

Just thought I’d put this in support for the sake of visibility. So besides me and Kichae, anyone else having trouble uploading a new Custom picture and setting your profile picture to that? Every other picture upload seems to be working for me as of yesterday.

Have you tried using a Gravatar profile picture instead?

I also tried to change mine a month or two ago to no avail.

I never realised I was using a Gravatar picture, but I am :confused: . Just tried to upload a custom one but to no avail.

Yea, this is my gravatar picture. I should probably change it to something spacier.

I’m sure that would work honestly, because it’s changed. But I was stating and talking about Custom picture upload not working.

I’ve been trying to change my profile picture to a custom image for years now, but it never works.

This seems to be an issue caused by the last update of the forums. I’ll investigate as I perform the next update.

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Tested today. Uploading profile pictures works again.


I am speechless

Great to hear!


Uploading a custom picture doesn’t work for me.
Is it broken for everyone or is something wrong on my end?

After selecting a picture the message box displays “uploading 100%” but the picture doesn’t appear and the “Save Changes” Button stays disabled.
(Chrome - Windows 10)

Try with a JPG or small file size instead.

There have been several incidents of people not being able to complete a Image upload after hitting 100% with PNGs or big files in general.

I just retried it and now it worked with a small JPG.
After some more testing i found out it’s not about size.

Using letters like öäü in your pictures filename seems to be the reason for the error.