Pledge and strech goal hopefulls for kickstarter

I’ll make the donation and Kichae can send me the stick =)

Well here’s my idea (names and prices are just that: examples:blush:):

1$ - Thank you!

10$ - Copy of the game (Launch).

15$ - the 20$ rewards, limited count.

20$ - Beta+Launch + fancy forum name.

50$ - Alpha+Beta+Launch + fancy forum name + Pioneer title + unique small ship (fancier variant of a normal ship).

75$ - Alpha+Beta+Launch + fancier forum name + Pioneer title + unique small ship + a Launch game key.

100$ - Alpha+Beta+Launch + fancier forum name + Experimental Pilot title + unique small/medium ship + Launch game key.

250$ - Alpha+Beta+Launch + gold-plated pimped out forum name + Commander title + unique small/medium ship + unique shields and contrails effects + Beta+Launch game key.

500$ - Alpha+Beta+Launch + gold-plated pimped out forum name + Admiral title + unique small/medium/large ship + unique civilian ship + unique shields and contrails effects + two Beta+Launch game keys.

1500$ - the 500$ reward + you get to design a ship together with one of the devs, name it (lore friendly) and you get a 3D-print of it mailed to you + autographed unique poster.

So in terms of game assets - the “unique” ships or weapons i’m talking about is basically the same normal ship with an addition of wings or glow lights or a bit of geometry on it like the Thor from Starcraft2’s collector’s edition, not actually brand new ships. So the devs would develop these ships for the normal game and add the fancier bits on top to make them stand out. These would be awarded on launch or sooner as they’re ready.

The 1500$ “design a ship” thing is basically the user either submits their own or they chose from a pool of existing concepts and the developer ADAPTS that design into the game to fit well. The backer can simply say “oh i want this ship but with wings” or they submit their own custom art and the dev incorporates the style of that ship into one of the existing concepts to fit the universe, not a full realisation of whatever the backer wants (that’s just unrealistic).

If someone pays $1500 for “this space ship but with wings”, could we also give them the “eccentric billionaire” in-game title? Ye know, to explain why they’re flying around in a space ship with wings.

As far as the OP’s plug and play memory stick idea, wouldn’t that be a stretch goal rather than an incentive? What would you put “on a memory stick for yourself once you’ve downloaded it”? The unpatched installer? The game directory, without any of the external tools it needs to run (be it DirectX, OpenAL, or something else entirely)?

I don’t need my games to be mobile because my computer is (gaming laptops ftw), but if I ever switch back to desktop gaming, having my favourite game easily available on a memory stick/external harddrive with no downloads and minimal installation needed would be awesome, in case I’m visiting someone or just so I wont have to download it twice. There are other stretch goals I’d personally rather see, but if adding a local backup functionality to the installer wouldn’t take too long, doing so might be worth it just for the chance of having TotalBiscuit use Infinity as an example of how PC gaming is becoming more mobile.


If you consider this, ensure that they’re only skins, not completely exclusive ships. That’s the one thing bugging me about Star Citizen, is that there is essentially now a grey market for people to buy as many ships as possible. It’s ridiculous


Must save up $1500. Must get Mr. Jafo a space ship with wings!


I don’t feel able to give any input on pledges over $100 because I’m not part of that market. (Currently looking for a job & self employed keeping my head above water)

However, I think frag971’s low end suggestions are too cheep. $10 / £6.20 for the game? - That’s nothing. (I appreciate they were just examples)
Also I’d suggest making the forum title and the in-game title the same.

I’d expect to see something more like the following price points: (Hover over item to see currency conversions)

$5 - Thank you! Your name will go in the list of backers in-game + get the 'Backer' title

$10 - Receive exclusive 'Backer' decal which you can apply to your ships + the reward above

$15 - Early bird of the $20 tier (limited number)

$20 - Digital copy of the full game on release + 'Pioneer' title + the rewards above

$25 - Early bird of the $30 tier (limited number)

$30 - 2nd round closed beta access + the rewards above

$40 - Two copies of the $30 tier - Bring a wingman to the beta

$50 - 1st round closed beta access + 'Test Pilot' title + 'Test Pilot' decal + the rewards above

$60 -

$75 - Alpha access + 'Classified ALPHA Test Pilot' title + 'Classified ALPHA Test Pilot' decal + the rewards above (Limited number)

Addon Rewards

$2 - 'Explorer' title. Requires $15 tier or above.

$8 - 'Smuggler' or 'Pirate' title and 'Battle-scars' decal. Requires $15 tier or above.


What a good idea :slight_smile: Bring a friend to beta!

I agree those are some good suggestions!

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Nice idea @Bentware, being a small time indie myself, I have thought of a USB stick as a distribution medium, don’t have a need for distribution yet though.

Just wanted to say that your pledge structure seems perfectly reasonable to me, but “Backer” is a terrible title to slap on someone in-game. I know most people don’t give a damn about the consistency of the roleplay environment (especially in an arena game), but it kind of shatters the world building efforts. Plus, it just doesn’t seem very fun!

If it’s just a forum title, on the other hand, I’m super-plus-plus OK with that (though, it’s still not very fun. But I’m not happy with any of my replacement ideas, either, so meh).

It would be kind of cool if these things transferred over to Infinity as well, especially things like ship decals. Custom avatar backgrounds for kickstarter supporters, if the day ever comes when there’s an in-game avatar system (ala EVE) would be kind of cool, too.

Maybe even add a Custom Title tier at a higher dollar figure. (I’d consider paying for a ‘Reporter’ title, for instance.)

Good point. I completely agree. Perhaps something like ‘Pioneer’ or ‘Scout’ could be the $5 title.
At the $20 tier you could get to choose from a few like ‘Explorer’ and ‘Recon’.

Some other random ideas: Scientist, Miner, Engineer, Cartographer.

I’m trying to avoid military ranks as I don’t like the idea of people buying ranks. A rank should be earned.

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On behalf of engineers and scientists everywhere, I resent that implication.

Did you sign up for federal service before or after the bugs hit BA?

Anyway, I don’t see a problem with an exclusive high level backers ship. I don’t even think it should be purely cosmetic. If they do it, it should actually be a different ship, with slightly different stats, it just shouldn’t offer any real advantage.

Another thought. I don’t know what’s usual with kickstarter, but is there a risk that a significant jump in development time for stretch goals could put people off bidding for more than the base game?

IBS will be a pew pew game. Essentially a military game.
If it were a game based on scientific knowledge/skill then I would be fine with people buying military ranks but I would not be happy with people being able to buy titles indicating a level of scientific skill/achievement.

It’s about context for me.

Having said that, in most games player progression is not usually based on continuous assessment of ability but instead can be boiled down to how long the player has played.
I would like IBS to break this pattern.

@INovaeKeith, if you guys get only the minimum goal, will you keep improving IB with the money you get from it, or will you release it and go straight to the mmo kickstarter?

Im asking because if its the first case, the kickstarter can be handled like Star Citizen, where you pitch the full game with all features while using the goal for the simple game. Then you can say that if you get minimum, the full game would eventually be made with expansions, if the money is enough.

As far as I am concerned I:B crowd funding is separate from the Infinity MMO.

Sorry H, should have made it more obvious I was joking.

Although I wonder if military titles is entirely appropriate anyway? I assume BS is planned to represent Corp battles, so would company positions be an alternative?

I’m thinking of the way people use terms like “security contractors” when they mean “mercs”.

@AngryMarine The current plan is to only use revenue from I:B and possibly another Kickstarter to fund the MMO. If I:B were to raise some crazy amount of millions of dollars then I could see us holding some in reserve and rolling it over into the MMO.

@CaptainRogers The expected change in dev time due to hitting stretch goals isn’t so severe that I think you’ll see a major jump in dev time. Maybe a year max but probably less. If we raise enough money we want to get an actual physical office so that we can all work together in the same place and that would increase our ramp up time slightly while we acquire the office and then relocate everybody. We’d also be able to hire a few more people so there would be the associated cost of finding and then hiring those people.

Im not sure I expressed myself well enough.
I meant that, in case only the minimum for IB gets funded, will the profit from the released game(IB) be used to add the extra features that were missing, or would that money go straight into reducing the goal of the kickstarter for the mmo?

I think in this scenario, only the MOD tools would be added after I:B has shipped if that stretch goal was not reached during the crowd funding (there is a level of I:B support required as well), the rest of the profits towards the MMO, which is the ultimate goal.

Edit: IMO :wink:

They could make up there own titles like War master. Or anything else I can steal from B5. /shrug