As a $2000+ backer of Star Citizen, I must make a plea to you guys. “Going public” can’t be good for your future. I’ve learned, through comments/interviews by and with Chris Roberts over time, that fans can provide more than enough funds (currently over $36 million and still going for Star Citizen as an example) to drive a game or technology. On top of that, fans of your game(s) will also help shape the game and your design decisions to better help you release a game that the gamers want (not want some investor who is only interested in money wants).
I have kept a watchful eye on Infinity’s progress (distant at first due to a lack of solid updates and hard to find info in the early days) and the engine you guys have been making for a few years now and it is amazing to see where you are going with this. I think if you market Battlescape well enough as a game running on your engine, you will sell the engine much faster AND you may even gain many of the same space sim followers that have pledged so much toward Star Citizen and other space sims out there.
Now, if you are just wanting to release a game that shows off your engine in hopes to get investors, I’m disinterested already. I don’t mean to sound crass but I wouldn’t be the only one who would just say “meh” and move on. Concepts and designs already shown and discussed about Star Citizen are the most exciting the world has seen yet for a space sim and yet Chris Roberts has clearly stated that procedural generated planets (procedural generation really only feasible option) that are fully and openly explorable is a possibility - maybe - but only after game release if at all. But this part would be the final piece that is needed, yet so far from being a reality at this point, to make it truly the absolute defining space sim out there. There will be landing on planets but they won’t be fully open and explorable (maybe never if not feasible enough).
It’s really too bad you guys can’t reach out to Chris Roberts and sell him a license to use the procedural planet generation part of your engine. They’re using CryEngine 3 for the game otherwise. Even if that disinterests you, why not look into the methods for marketing, community involvement, and modular release of that super massive and immersive space sim that Chris Roberts lives by currently. Follow these same game deployment methods because you can’t deny that $36 million and counting speaks volumes! If you are delivering what the space sim and general sci-fi game fans want, the money will come. Trust me.
I hope I have posted this in the correct forum. Being a place for suggestions, it seemed to be the best choice. I apologize if there is a more viable or recommended forum to post this in. Either way, I am excited now for what you guys could potentially bring the world. I will be jumping on the Kickstarter bandwagon once it opens up for your campaign in faith that this will become yet another super awesome and immersive space sim that takes the gaming world by storm!
Thanks for listening.