Login/Session Loss Issues

I see what hrobertson was talking about when he said that the Category definition for Support was a meta field. It doesn’t show up when you decide to arrange topics with the “Categories” button at the top.

Google Chrome (v 30?) here:

I for one have been having intermittent issues with the the forum losing my login. I thought it might be timing out, but since I could just restart the main page and I was still logged in, I’m not too sure.

Logging in returned a blank page alot (mentioned in other threads). Since it mentioned something about deleting cache data in the url, I went and manually did that in the browser options and it finally let me in.

Edit: Renamed thread by hrobertson’s suggestion. Makes sense anyway

I’m glad someone got what I was talking about.

I think specific threads are better than one big ‘all forum issues’ thread.
There is already the Avatar Problems thread and the Connecting an old account with a new one thread, perhaps rename this “Login/Session Loss Issues”.

I think the problem you describe is the one Keith is referring to here:

and on Twitter here:

If you're having weird issues with being logged in/out to the forums @discourse checked in a fix last night. I'll merge later tonight

— Keith Newton (@inovae_keith) October 16, 2013

This type of forum is really different from all of the ones I’m used to. I much prefer the category view because it is more similar to what I’m used to. Is there a way to make the category view the default?

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Since this is about issues, im not to wrong here:
The title of the page says “I-Noave” instead of “I-Novae”.
Sorry if someone already mentioned it, I just saw it and thought i should post it :smiley:
Its just the forum btw. not the mainpage.

Lol thanks for spotting that :stuck_out_tongue: @Frozen There isn’t a way to make the categories view the default as far as I’m aware.

@INovaeKeith What do you think about reducing the 15 character limit on thread titles and the 20 character limit on posts?
As is already happening, if someone wants to just say ‘Thanks’ they’ll just pad out their post to meet the char limit.

Some hypothetical thread titles shorter than 15 characters:

  • Ship Design (11)
  • Faction Styles (14)
  • Avatars (7)

If someone wants to give a thread an concise and accurate title, they might not be able to.
If someone wants to make a spammy thread without thinking about the title, they can do that anyway, it’ll just be a longer spammy title.

What benefit do the char limits add? What purpose do they serve?

I think the limits are there to make sure that what you’re saying is a meaningful contribution to the discussion. I’ll look into shortening the limits as putting in a whole bunch of padding is certainly a trivial way to circumvent the limits =)

As you say, it’s trivial to circumvent so it doesn’t actually achieve this purpose.

Would it be possible to add a “Thanks” button next to the “Like” button, that might help?

I have a little ritual I have to go through each time I come to these forums. Note I used my legacy account that was imported successfully (apparently, almost) from the previous forums.

  1. Arrive at forum page - click login button.
  2. Login button takes me to home page where it tells me I’m signed in.
  3. At this point if I click “Community” I go back to the community page and the login button and hit an endless loop.
  4. Instead I click the sign out button.
  5. At this point if I click the sign in button I go back to the endless loop described above.
  6. Instead I must click “Community” and go to the forums page in “signed out” mode.
  7. Now I must click the login button again, this time it asks for my credentials without taking me back to the home page.
  8. After entering my credentials I get “Server error - please reload the page”
  9. I ignore the message and reload the page and now I am signed into the forums!

Anyway, good job on getting the forums back up. I hope this description might be useful to help resolve some of the teething issues.

My ritual is:

  1. Login from the front page only
  2. Get a blank screen with the cache data delete thingie in the url.
  3. Re-type in the web address for the front page.
  4. Then click on community

Sometimes it doesn’t work, but this is the version that works the most consistently for me.

This is a known issue and has been fixed in the latest Discourse build . Unfortunately their changes also completely break our custom auth system so I’m working on that with them.