Launch Stream(s)

I’m going to stream a bit of the launch for those interested:

If other people want to stream, feel free to post a link to your streams or VODs…

Edit: updated first post with VOD

BlueDrake42 VOD:


I don’t suppose it’s possible to join you guys on teamspeak or whatever you’re using for voice chat? :smiley:

Sweet! I’m sure most are interested.

Looking good.

Want to play this so bad though…

Wait did dev tier get released?

I hate to nag but I’d love to get @Skyentist back so I could play too…

[quote=“Skyentist1, post:5, topic:2526, full:true”]Wait did dev tier get released?[/quote]A few minutes ago, yes.

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Ah, more information in the dev tier forums I assume?

For some :open_mouth:

Edit: although I might have to buy a new computer anyways before I could hop in so I’m not super depressed yet. :wink:

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You shouldn’t need @Skyentist on the forums to be able to login and play. It’s your I-Novae account that matters not your forums account.


For some :open_mouth:

Edit: although I might have to buy a new computer anyways before I could hop in so I’m not super depressed yet. ;)[/quote]Save for a good Virtual Reality PC, imagine this on oculus :smiley:

Awesome! Is there a link to download somewhere that’s not on the dev-only access part of the forum(Since I can’t get on it with this account) or did you email information out?

You can find it here:

I think he can’t access the access page without the account.
Without the download he can’t log in.

If you can’t access it on that page @Skyentist1 let me know and I’ll get it sorted out.

@iNovaeKeith The access page says this:

"Your current access rights to play Infinity: Battlescape:


You currently have no known pledges

E-mail addresses:

-the old email linked to my messed up account- "

Now a little bit below that it says:

“2. If you’ve been using a different email address for your pledge, add that other e-mail to your account here”

Now will it mess up my account even further if I add the right email to the messed up account? And will it affect the attempts to recover my old account?

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Looking into it


I make no promises to skill, music, or language.

I also don’t promise anyone else will watch.

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I’m streaming too!

I’m just flying around. If you want to just watch the prototype with no chatter, maybe some music: