I’m going to stream a bit of the launch for those interested:
If other people want to stream, feel free to post a link to your streams or VODs…
Edit: updated first post with VOD
BlueDrake42 VOD:
I’m going to stream a bit of the launch for those interested:
If other people want to stream, feel free to post a link to your streams or VODs…
Edit: updated first post with VOD
BlueDrake42 VOD:
I don’t suppose it’s possible to join you guys on teamspeak or whatever you’re using for voice chat?
Sweet! I’m sure most are interested.
Looking good.
Want to play this so bad though…
Wait did dev tier get released?
I hate to nag but I’d love to get @Skyentist back so I could play too…
[quote=“Skyentist1, post:5, topic:2526, full:true”]Wait did dev tier get released?[/quote]A few minutes ago, yes.
Ah, more information in the dev tier forums I assume?
For some
Edit: although I might have to buy a new computer anyways before I could hop in so I’m not super depressed yet.
You shouldn’t need @Skyentist on the forums to be able to login and play. It’s your I-Novae account that matters not your forums account.
For some
Edit: although I might have to buy a new computer anyways before I could hop in so I’m not super depressed yet. ;)[/quote]Save for a good Virtual Reality PC, imagine this on oculus
Awesome! Is there a link to download somewhere that’s not on the dev-only access part of the forum(Since I can’t get on it with this account) or did you email information out?
I think he can’t access the access page without the account.
Without the download he can’t log in.
@iNovaeKeith The access page says this:
"Your current access rights to play Infinity: Battlescape:
You currently have no known pledges
E-mail addresses:
-the old email linked to my messed up account- @hotmail.com "
Now a little bit below that it says:
“2. If you’ve been using a different email address for your pledge, add that other e-mail to your account here”
Now will it mess up my account even further if I add the right email to the messed up account? And will it affect the attempts to recover my old account?
Looking into it
I make no promises to skill, music, or language.
I also don’t promise anyone else will watch.
I’m streaming too!
I’m just flying around. If you want to just watch the prototype with no chatter, maybe some music: http://www.twitch.tv/ausqb