Some of these are old points, some are new.
I’m definitely more against the gimballed weapons than for, however I hope that having fixed weapons with significantly increased damage along side with gimballed would help in that regard. ATM, I think that inty vs inty fights, both against npcs and players, just takes too long. The increased maneuverability just makes the inty very tanky in a 1v1 situation. I’d rather land a few hits with a harder hitting weapon.
Corvette Stuff
Drop down because I’ve said this before, and I know the devs are aware that the corvette is in need of some TLC, but I think it’s important to keep this topic fresh for now.
The corvette… I mean, I died against a single angry npc inty. Let me preface this spiel by this: The fact of the matter is that the corvette is going to get into fights, whether it’s designed to or not. I don’t think that designing the 'vette just be a resupply ship is a good idea, because it’s overtly underwhelming in every aspect of game play other than that, and I and others are going to try to do some combat, either offensively or defensively.
The corvette has many issues, which has been stated before. The corvette needs serious improvement in offensive or defensive capabilities, because atm literally the only use for the corvette is to resupply bombers and the odd repair job/warp jam. There’s nothing the corvette can do that isn’t done much better by ships half the cost, when it comes to combat.
It’s been suggested on Discord that if it had good anti-missile/torp/mine capabilities, that it would fair better. If the vette is being targeted, the vette is going to be shot at with main guns. It’s tanky, which means that any knowledgeable inty pilot is just going to sit at about 1km out and hit it with main guns with nearly absolute impunity, and save missiles for later, as there’s no reason to waste them to save a few seconds. The only consistent way for just giving just anti-stuff and expecting it to survive longer in a fight is to have a coordinated team dedicated to escorting it.
Despite this, I like flying the corvette, it’s fun, and if I’m not being targeted, the weapons do put out enough damage to strike craft (if I’m lucky enough to land a hit) to get the occasional kill. Currently, I just have to stay away from fights, or risk losing my ship with very little gained. I think the corvette should be more exciting than this.
The Starmap is a great start
. Obviously there’s a lot of work to be done, but I can see this being a frequently accessed part of the game. A great first step.
Some of the hauler behaviors are still wonky.
The warp-jam seems to be inconsistent in it’s performance. I have made multiple attempts at trying to warp jam somebody in warp that was even within 2km from me, just to drop out warp and see my target still in warp and well beyond my reach. I believe there may be some correlations with networking that causes this, as it was noticed during the in-warp formation flight that players perceived their location differently than other players. Some tweaking might be in order to make the warp-jam work if it’s intended to be used as an interception tool, and not just a preventative.
It might make torps too powerful, but I personally was having trouble landing them at close range with safety lock off. A lead ridicule, activated upon turning safety lock off, would make this a lot easier. Other people were much more consistent than I, so it’s possibly just a ‘git gud’ situation on my part, as I don’t often use bombers.
Losing turrets even when I had shields is kind of annoying. I didn’t use a destroyer this patch, but the previous I definitely was annoyed at how often I lost turrets.
I noticed some ricochet angles from capital ship fire were a little extreme.