I don’t follow Inovae since the transformation from Infinity to independent engine development.
Has INovae had any discussions with EA / Disney about doing an INovae driven Star Wars TOR 2 / Galaxies game?
My only point is this. I love the Star Wars universe. I love massive armies of Imperial Troops and legions of Star Destroyers, fighters, etc… I would love to see a game where I can have a Sith or Jedi, a Commander, or some Smuggler leading a large fleet. Where I can fight with a lightsaber or blaster in large scale ground combat. Strategically bombing cities or flying through them. To blow up an entire planet with a Death Star equivalent. Having character story arcs that can be generated anywhere on a planet. That anyone can be the Darth Vader of a command ship.
To see all of this procedurally generated. Combine the development style of SWTOR and SWG with a massive galaxy engine would just be …
INovae can enable all of this.
Beautiful engine but I hope some day it will be more than just an empty cosmos. Forge together endless exploration with cultural and philosophical enlightenment.