E3 2016 Discussion

No snowflake here, and no particular fan of SC in general but it might be good idea not to turn these forums into some battle ground between products, perceived or otherwise.

Let’s be better than that, yeah?

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Have a look at our SC and ED threads, just for reference. :wink:

Yeah, I know. The SC thread on the ED forums got quite heated at times. And on the SC forums the Katamari thread disappeared completely as far as I can remember. There are some very concerned folks over there, and rightly so I believe.

But to not derail the thread entirely, I didn’t see much to inspire in the footage of E3 I have seen so far. The typical Ubisoft downgrade-athon looks likely to happen again with Watch_Dogs 2. I liked the first game, except for the driving which was pretty awful on PC. Utterly shameful how they deliberately disabled graphical features on the PC version in, if rumours are to be believed, an attempt to not make the consoles look too bad in comparison and supposedly at the manufacturers request. Fortunately the Ubi guys left some of those features in the game and they could be forced back on again.

Silly Ubi! :slightly_smiling:

I hope this game has a robot unicorn easter egg :stuck_out_tongue:

Zero Dawn looks amazing, too bad it’s on console :expressionless:

Finally watched that CoD trailer. It’s even worse than I expected: not only does it look like a bad Michael Bay videogame, but it looks like a bad Michael Bay remake of the great (if direly underfunded) Shattered Horizon game.


Katamari is still there ;]

Sorry Memmoch.

ThornEel, this may be, [quote=“ThornEel, post:27, topic:3674”]
but it looks like a bad Michael Bay remake of the great (if direly underfunded) Shattered Horizon game.

In my opinion, it still looks interesting, compared to the footage I’ve seen from Squadron 42. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


So to summarize, E3 is dumb. Until next year! :stuck_out_tongue:

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