Any chance of moving back to, or implementing a user preference option to move, at least the forums back to a dark color scheme similar to what was used on the old website? At night, bright websites irritate me. Actually bright websites irritate me in general. I hate bright things.
I understand there is a lot on your plate before you get to this, but I think it would be great.
As an aside, is this where website suggestions should be posted? I’m not sure this is technically related to “Support”.
Oh, well that answers that question. It was hidden in another thread, or else I wouldn’t have made a topic about it. I suppose my poor eyes will have to wait.
Just FYI: If you type ‘theme’ into the search box (magnifying glass, top right) then click ‘Welcome to the new I-Novae Studios forums!’, that will take you directly to the post I quoted.
Discourse does have the ability for users to select a colour scheme for themselves. It has to be in the system first though and it’s done with URLs, there is no UI for it (although one can be easily added).