Contiune the Sentence (Title Edited by Arkenbrien)

As title stating, simply continue the sentence as it goes!

Once upon a time, a Pirate rum smuggler…

Wile ignoring the government and following the peoples will

Stumble upon a surprisingly docile…

… frog named Percy who…

was heir to the island nation of Balranvia

which was tottaly not made up …

YOu whipper snappers nead to learn how to spells!

… , in fact any who claim so are faced with extreme…

…tickling with the Great Ruffled Feather of Fraaallll, followed by…

a priest who delivered him salvation with…

Jesus Christ …

It wasn’t known if that was 1/3ed of the Christian god head who just happened to be there, an exclamation or a perceived change in the conscious observational focal point that

murdered Steve in his

…magical pony factory…

In the purple and orange section. Across from

where the pirate rum smuggler lived, He was known as…

The Drunken Joe who can make several Kessel runs while…

backing a cake and preforming Shakespeare’s Hamlet. And also

understands three. Completely gets the concept of were to let words flow and were to

… get the world’s best sandwich, located at…